Peter Jones
Chair of Governors
Term of Office: 20th November 2018 - 19th November 2022
Category of Governor - Co-opted Governor
Appointing Body - Governing Body
Chair of Health & Safety Committee
Sits on Finance & Personnel Committee, Health & Safety Committee.
Responsible for Safeguarding, Children in Care, SEND
My Name is Pete Jones and I have been a Governor at Lightmoor Village Primary since pre-construction, I was elected Chair of the Pre build Governing body which dissolved once the building was completed and I was happily elected Chair to the new Governing body in 2010. I have over 20 years experience in Governance, having been either a Governor/Chair/Vice Chair on three Governing bodies of Secondary and Primary schools. I am the Link/Special interests Governor for the following; Children in Care/Safeguarding, SEND (Special Education Needs & Disability) and Pupil Premium. I am a parent with a child at the school and have lived within Lightmoor Village with my family for many years.