Lightmoor Village Primary School


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Welcome from our Headteacher

"I would like to warmly welcome you to Lightmoor Village Primary School where we are extremely proud of our school and its community.

I believe that everything starts with positive relationships and creating connections, only when children and adults feel appreciated and valued will they perform to their potential.

Here at Lightmoor we have created a calm, welcoming, supportive school with a great emphasis on learning and respect. We are an inquisitive, reflective, kind and welcoming school family, that is full of exciting opportunities and experiences.

As Parents and Carers we hope that you will quickly feel part of our community, we believe a partnership between home and school is an integral part of education.

We hope that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have or to arrange a visit."

Mrs Lucy Cowan

Our Children in Need fund raising efforts 2023

All together we've raised over £1700!