Lightmoor Village Primary School

PE & Sport



At Lightmoor Village Primary School we are passionate about sport, under the direction of our sports lead Mr Gibbs, our staff and pupils have actively worked towards achieving the School Games Award. We were awarded the 'Gold' standard in both July 2022, July 2023 and July 2024 - this underlines our commitment to sport participation and our active role in improving sporting opportunities for our pupils. In order achieve we gold we have ensured that we are:

  • Delivering 60 active minutes for every child every day

  • Creating positive experiences to ensure physical activity and competition provision is designed to reflect the motivation, competence and confidence of our young people and has a clear intent

  • Creating positive experiences that support the character development of young people


We are part of the Telford Schools PE Partnership and have good links with other schools which enables staff to attend regular training and to arrange smaller sporting events with other schools. This also means that we are able to enter teams of children into a range of different sporting tournaments and fixtures within the partnership.


At Lightmoor we are always trying to find imaginative ways to spend our PE and Sport Premium Funding and have offered our children tasters in archery, hockey, circus skills, skate boarding, skipping, skiing, tennis, hula hooping and climbing.


We are also committed to the importance of all children being able to swim before they leave us here at Lightmoor.


Sports Premium

All children and young people should live healthy active lives. The UK Chief Medical Officers recommend that all children and young people should take part in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day.   The government are committed to supporting this and therefore all schools are allocated a PE and Sport Premium funding. Schools should use the PE and Sport Premium funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity they provide.


For the year 2024 -2025 Lightmoor Village Primary School will receive £17,820


Click on the link below to see the impact of our spending in 2022- 2023 and 2023-2024 and how we plan to spend the premium in 2024 -2025

PE & Sport Premium 2024-2025