Lightmoor Village Primary School

Support & Advice


Our Early Help offer at Lightmoor

Our school nurture room, known as our ‘Treehouse’ is a very important part of our school. It is run by our Nurture lead and trained ELSA (Emotional and Literacy Support Assistant) Mrs Boxall.  This safe and calm space enables us to support children in groups and as individuals in many different ways.

We understand the challenges that can come with family life and that at some stages in children’s lives, additional support and advice may be needed from school and other professionals.

Here at Lightmoor we strongly encourage our families to communicate worries, concerns or changes at home so that we can try to offer support and help as soon as it is needed. 

Every day we have members of the senior management team available on the school gates should you wish to speak to us about anything. If you would like a more in-depth or private conversation you can make an appointment by calling, emailing or popping into the school office.

There are many ways that our staff team can support children and families and so please reach out!

This page offers a range of links to signpost you to different agencies that you may prefer to contact directly rather than coming into school to speak with staff.

Drugs and Alcohol


Telford Stars

Shropshire community Health (NHS)

A Better Tomorrow
Recovery support
Call: 01952 683707

Recharge Telford
Call: 07486683606 or 01952 660000

Narcotics Anonymous
Call: 03000 999 1212

Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous | Live Well Telford



Telford Energy advice
Telford Energy Advice (TEA) – Telford & Wrekin Council

Support with your energy Bills
Support With Your Energy Bills | The Wrekin Housing Group

Local Energy Advice Partnership
LEAP – The Energy Advice & Money Saving Service

Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice

Christians Against Poverty
Home | CAP UK

The Wrekin Debt advice
Debt Advice | The Wrekin Housing Group



Top tips for getting a better night’s sleep:

  • Keep fixed morning routines, try not to allow too late a lie in at weekends. A regular sleep/wake cycle helps maintain structure
  • Avoid napping in the day
  • Exercise more in the day as this promotes cardiovascular health and creates dopamine in the brain which aids sleep later in the day
  • Take warm baths at night
  • Do gentle stretches before bed
  • Read a book before sleeping, write a to do list before bed
  • Avoid smartphones or devices up to one hour before bed
  • Make the room a relaxing place to be- avoid having a TV in the bedroom or other devices which emit a blue light
  • Set the temperature to 18-24 degrees