Lightmoor Village Primary School

Welcome to Reading at Lightmoor



It is our intent to strive for a whole school love of reading at Lightmoor. We believe that Reading is a fundamental skill which enables children to access all areas of learning, ensuring they can make progress and succeed. We want our pupils to become fluent and confident readers who can read a range of fiction and non-fiction genres. Through reading, we aim to provide pupils with a rich bank of vocabulary and speaking and listening skills to enable them to express their thoughts and views considerately and effectively.  Our curriculum drivers are ‘Celebrating Diversity’ and ‘Endless Possibilities’. We want children to have access to texts that reflect the diversity of our communities.  At Lightmoor Village Primary School, we strive to promote the relationship between reading and writing and encourage a life-long love of literature, which will continue to inspire them throughout their futures.



We teach reading here at Lightmoor through the fast paced and fun phonics programme; Read, Write Inc. Our aim is for children to have completed the programme by the end of Spring Term in Year 2. All children at Lightmoor are asked to continue to practice their knowledge and skills of reading at home and develop a love of reading with their family. All children in Key stage 2 experience whole class reading lessons. During these lessons, specific reading skills are taught. Pupils are taught how to infer, predict, explain and retrieve information from a range of texts. (We use VIPERS to do this). This allows children to develop their comprehension skills and allows teachers to assess their understanding of the text. We explicitly teach children the skills necessary to become a fluent reader as well as actively encouraging children to understand the deeper meaning of texts. Reading across the curriculum capitalises on providing pupils with a deeper understanding of foundation subjects such as History or Science.



At Lightmoor, our pupils receive a broad and balanced reading curriculum. Our aim is that they can read fluently by the end of Key Stage 1, enabling them to fully access learning at Key Stage 2 and beyond. Following the Read Write Inc synthetic phonics programme teaches our pupils to read and write quickly and embeds basic phonic skills. It has proved to be very successful in our school - our Year 1 phonics results are proof of this. There are clear end points for pupils in all year groups to achieve age related expectations and an expectation that children will reach national expectations or above at the end of KS2.  We strive to ensure that all pupils at Lightmoor are well prepared for the next stage of their education.





"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." – Joseph Addison

English Lead: Mrs Roberts


Reading Progression Grids (Reception to Year 6)

Phonics at Lightmoor